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About us 

The Home exists to rescue, reunite and rehome stray, lost and abandoned dogs and cats across Edinburgh and the Lothians. Our work has made a significant impact on our local community for over 130 years.

Our vision

Our vision is to create a community where unwanted and mistreated animals are given a voice and a second chance for a happy and forever home; and where anybody who can, will act to advocate for animals still suffering.

Dog and Cat


The Home has put a huge focus on positive staff culture and wellbeing. We are pleased to have been recognised for our pioneering steps in staff culture by being awarded Living Wage Newcomer of the Year 2019

Values and Behaviours 

1. Put animal welfare needs first

2. Compassion

3. Respect for animals, our staff, our volunteers and the community

4. Professional


Working in Partnership - We work with our local community, businesses, animal welfare partners and politicians to advance animal welfare through animal care, fundraising, education, advice and advocacy.